Below are some alternative methods to mounting the Garmin Varia lights directly off the Aeroclams. It's best to mount directly under the mounting cap screw.
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Cyckit is not a bike shop as such so don’t have the items on hand many customers enquire about fitting but the below info will give you guidance. We also don’t have a measurement in litres but all the Aeroclam lower halves are the same length/width in dimension so they fit the top sections.Images of lower sections in inches & millimetres below. Measurements include extra space inside the top section - meaning the lower sections' content [tubes] can protrude past the top edge of the lower section and still be consumed by the extra 10mm [0.39 inches] space inside...
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We have a comprehensive list of [so far] 329 different brands/models saddles the P1 & P2 Aeroclams fit. So please contact Cyckit to confirm the correct Aeroclam fit for your saddle brand/model and we'll get straight back to you [between 7am and 10pm New Zealand time]. The reason we don't display this list on the website is to prevent those inevitable copiers of Western innovators from taking the bread from our mouths. Without the list they can't advise. At some point when the larger distributors show an interest in Cyckit, then the list will be made public. We also have 195 images of Aeroclams fitted to...
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The Small Aeroclam Lower section is designed to hold One Tube, one CO2 Canister, Inflator, Two Tire Levers and a Slimline Multitool if required. The Tire Levers come free with the kit. The Medium Aeroclam Lower section is designed to hold One Tube, Two CO2 Canisters, Inflator, Two Tire Levers and a Slimline Multitool if required. The Tire Levers come free with the kit. Larger Multitools can be used in the Medium Lower Section. The Large Aeroclam Lower section is designed to hold Two Tubes, Two Canisters, Inflator, Two Tire Levers and a Slimline Multitool if required. The Tire Levers come free with the kit. Larger Multitools can be used in the Medium Lower...
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The key to keeping your content silent is slight compression packed as per instructions there is no rattling. It’s recommended to use rolled Plastic Lunchwrap, Bubblewrap, Cloth or Latex Gloves to take up any unwanted space inside the Aeroclam.
As seen here, the LunchWrap over the top of content prevents the content connecting and nullifies any rattling.
You can of course load whatever you require into the Aeroclams but make sure any unwanted space is taken up by the above.
Should you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact Pat via email Thank you!
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In normal and even extreme weather situations the Aeroclam saddle bag will keep your content dry.During testing, the latch area was blasted with a high pressure hose and did let a trickle of water run down the inside of the clam and straight out the drain holes. The Aeroclam was designed to be watertight, and it was designed with ample drainage as well as rail impressions for the multitool to sit on preventing the tool from getting wet should water ever enter the clam. Any other reports from customers where water has entered the Aeroclam has been via water being...
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